Getting organised
Once someone has been diagnosed with lung cancer, or any other serious medical condition, one of the best ways they can support themselves is to get better organised.

When you are diagnosed with lung cancer, you can feel overwhelmed very quickly. There are appointments to attend and information to process as well as potentially, feeling unwell.
On top of all this, you may also start to worry about your other personal business such as:
- Your bank accounts
- Gas and electricity bills
- Family responsibilities
- Already-booked holidays
- Your job
- Writing a will.
This is a lot to deal with and can significantly impact on both your physical and mental health and wellbeing. That is why it is a good idea systems and processes in place.
Tips for getting organised
This can lift a huge weight off your mind when you know that you have things recorded, and you and everyone else knows where to go to find your important paperwork. Loose ends cause stress. If you don’t feel up to doing it all yourself, ask a family member or friend to help you.
For your medical notes and appointments, your lung cancer nurse specialist may help you keep a diary or folder. If not, start your own. Get a decent sized, day-a-page diary and a good lever arch file with some coloured tab dividers and poly pockets.
Record all your appointments in one place, and have a separate section for information about treatments, test results, any medication you are given (including dates, dosage and side effects), your doctors’ names and contact details, your lung cancer nurse specialist and any other important healthcare information.
Create folders for all your personal business, for example, your mortgage, bank accounts, savings accounts, insurances, investments, car, gas and electricity. It’s a good idea to have a system for your phone and internet provider information and for safely managing all your passwords. Don’t forget to let anyone else you want to tell where everything is.
Although it can be an emotive issue, some people decide the time is right to write or update their will, and even arrange other legal matters such as a power of attorney to make sure your wishes are carried out if you become unable to make your own decisions.
We offer a free Will writing service so everyone can ensure their loved ones are protected and provided for, whatever is around the corner.