Our senior management team

Paula Chadwick | Chief Executive
Paula started as a volunteer for the charity in 1995. Two year later, she became PA to its founder, Professor Ray Donnelly MBE. She continued to work her way up through the ranks to become HR Director, achieving a MA in Personnel and Development along the way. She was then appointed Chief Executive in July 2012, taking her total time at the charity to over 24 years.
Email: paula.chadwick@roycastle.org

Mike Grundy | Deputy Chief Executive
Mike joined Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation in 2005, initially as Finance Director. Since then, he has been involved in virtually every aspect of developing the charity, working to ensure the charity can achieve the objectives of providing gold-standard information, support where and when most needed, and funding for innovative research. He has been Deputy Chief Executive since March 2017.
Email: mike.grundy@roycastle.org

Jesme Fox, MBChB, MBA | Medical Director
Jesme Fox, MBChB, MBA, is Medical Director of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, a UK lung cancer charity. She joined the Foundation in November 1998, having previously spent 7 years in Medical Oncology at the Beatson Cancer Centre in Glasgow. She initially established the Foundation’s work in lung cancer patient information, support and advocacy. She has written many articles, raising public awareness of this disease, focusing on lung cancer patient issues and access to best practice treatment and care.
Dr. Fox has current responsible for the charity’s lung cancer research funding portfolio and policy work. Much of her time is dedicated to reflecting the views of lung cancer patients on key committees and at key meetings, both in the UK and abroad. At an international level, Dr. Fox is the secretary of the Global Lung Cancer Coalition of advocacy organizations, for which the Foundation provides the secretariat.
Email: jesme.fox@roycastle.org

Lorraine Dallas | Director of Information, Prevention and Support
Lorraine has been working for the Foundation since June 2012. She leads the Information & Support team which offers services to those with lung cancer.
Lorraine has worked in the charity sector for 20 years. Her role at the Foundation is very varied and she feels there are many long-awaited improvements on the horizon for those affected by lung cancer. Lorraine has been involved in representing patient interest working with the UKLCC, Scottish Cancer Coalition and policy teams.

Rachel Avery | Director of Marketing and Communications
Rachel joined the charity in April 2016, after holding marketing roles in various other industries including legal, travel and sports betting. Since her arrival, the team has increased its focus on campaigning, launching such successful awareness campaigns as HeadHigh, Face your Fear and Like Me and generating much needed media attention on a regular basis.
Rachel has been personally affected by lung cancer, losing her father to the disease in 2009. She uses this firsthand experience when developing all marketing collateral and campaign messages, looking at it from the perspective of a marketer but also of a supporter, determined to improve the outcomes for others and ensuring the needs of the patient are at the centre of everything they do.
Email: rachel.avery@roycastle.org