The Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce (LSCT), of which Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is a founding member, has received public support from eight cancer charities and research organisations who have signed up as registered supporters in a combined effort to close the #DeadlyCancerGap.

Lung cancer, along with cancers of the pancreas, stomach, liver, brain and oesophagus, currently account for half of all the deaths from common cancers in the UK. Lung cancer alone accounts for over a quarter of all common cancer deaths.
The Less Survivable Taskforce now aims to double the survivability of all six of these cancers by 2029.
Anna Jewell is the chair of the taskforce:
“On average, the chance of someone surviving for five years after being diagnosed with one of the less survivable cancers is nearly four times lower than it is for people diagnosed with other common cancers. I’m delighted that the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce has these new supporters who share our belief that through more research, better treatments and earlier diagnosis we can close the deadly cancer gap.”
Paula Chadwick, chief executive of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, comments:
“As a founding member of the taskforce, we are delighted to welcome Barrett’s Oesophagus UK, Brains Trust, Brain Tumour Research, Heartburn Cancer UK, Hepatocellular Carcinoma UK, Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Northern Ireland, Ochre and Pancreatic Cancer Action.
We have long campaigned for more research funding for lung cancer because this is the key to saving lives.
You only have to look at the success of other cancers who have received consistently high levels of funding over many, many years to see this. Breast cancer has seen its long-term survival rates double from 4 in 10 to 8 in 10, while prostate cancer has seen an increase from 2 in 10 to 8 in 10.
It is time we close this gap and save even more lives.”