19th March 2023

Dave’s Mother’s Day story

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Dave Gerrand, 61 from Crosby is facing his first Mother’s Day without the woman that meant everything to him, but despite the upcoming holiday, Dave is choosing to reflect on Teresa, the woman she was and how special she is to him. 

“I was extremely close to both my parents, but my mum meant everything to me. I do miss her, our chats, our laughs, our jokes.  

I also miss her smile, her love and the way she’d bring the family together for a delicious meal at the drop of a hat.  

But despite missing all these things, her wild and witty ways, I’m not struggling with Mother’s Day. It’ll be the first since she passed but I still feel her around me every day.”

Mums are just something else and my mum was truly the glue that held the family together.

My mum, Teresa

“Mum was many things and she set a great example for all of us. She was hard-working, family orientation and nobody had a bad word to say about her. 

She did absolutely everything for the family as we grew up, and at Christmastime (her favourite time of the year) she ensured that despite little money, we, as kids, had the best Christmas, year after year. 

She had this amazing ability to see the good in people and would help anyone in need. She was generous and loving, which is something I’m grateful to have inherited.  

If I could have half of the love and affection that she had from all who knew her in life, then I will be a very rich man indeed.” 

Why I support Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

“When mum passed away from lung cancer in September last year it seemed fitting that Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation should benefit from any support I could give.  

The charity does so much for people diagnosed with this awful disease and it seems only right that I can let my mum’s memory continue to live on with everything I do for the charity. 

My main aim is to raise whatever I can through swimming challenges. Once upon a time it would have been running but I sustained an injury that means I can no longer run, which is when I took up swimming.  

I try to push myself with my challenges and in November I completed Swimming the Distance, completing 30 miles which is the equivalent of 1,960 lengths of a 25M pool. I don’t swim every day, so I had to complete 128 lengths most days to reach my goal. 

I’ve a couple of things in mind for this year and hopefully I’ll be able to continue to receive the help and support of everyone to keep my fundraising going. Trust me, I won’t be making any challenge easy for myself.”