When Evelyn was diagnosed with lung cancer, it left her and her husband devastated, particularly when she was told surgery was not an option. However, with the support of her family, her lung cancer nurse specialists and our charity, she was determined to carry on living her life.

“In February/March 2013, I went to see my GP suffering from a cold/cough. They prescribed antibiotics and steroids which did not help. My GP then sent me for an x-ray and the result was terrible news; a “shadow” had been found on my right lung, I was devastated.
A CT scan and Bronchoscopy revealed I had lung cancer. The Consultant advised that an operation was not possible and the proposed treatment would be radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
At the consultation I met Anita and Kay, both lung cancer nurse specialists. They have offered great help and support, explaining how the treatment would work and assuring me I could ring them with any of my concerns. I have been helped and supported all the way by my husband Joe, loving family and dear friends.
I attend the Wirral support group and I have gained strength from other members’ experiences and one or two of the group members inspired me to carry on. I take part in various fundraising activities to support Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. We also attended Liverpool Town Hall and met with Fiona Castle, Professor Ray Donnelly and the Lady Mayoress of Liverpool, which is something I will never forget.
The charity does fantastic work on the early detection of lung cancer and I am very proud to be closely involved. They can provide information on up-to-date treatments and surgery, and the support groups are really good to just talk and listen.
My job is a Legal Assistant and I have now returned to work (part time) which has boosted my confidence and at the same time helped me try to bring my world back to some kind of normality. I still worry about receiving results of my scans but try to keep positive and carry on forward. I try to do my best and thank everyone who has helped me to get this far.”