Drive by and boogie
A care home in Norfolk held a “drive through disco” allowing its residents to see their loved ones from a safe distance.
Burgh House care home in Great Yarmouth received a donation from a member of staff’s mother to put on a mobile distance for the residents.
However, the dedicated team wanted to do more than just that and came up with a plan to allow family members to attend, some of whom had not seen their loved ones in person in over eight weeks.
It was a sure fire hit with residents waving flags and singing songs as loved ones drove past.
Joseph Greiner is the manager and director of Burgh House:
“We have the perfect car part for people to drive in one way and out another, so we thought perhaps a drive through disco would be the way forward. It was a pretty special event.”
WHO said that?
An expert from the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said there are “good signs” coming from the scientific community as the development for a vaccine continues.
Speaking to Sky News, Dr Margaret Harris said the chances of creating an inoculation to shield the public from COVID-19 are good thanks to the work done in the past on different strands of the coronavirus.
“The fortunate thing we’ve got in our favour is, we got SARS, we got MERS, scientists have done a lot of the basic work already.”
Hopes for summer
Whilst there is no getting over the horrendous news that the UK has become the first European country to pass 30,000 deaths. However, we can take some solace from how other countries, including the second worst Europe country, Italy, are beginning to bounce back.
This week, the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, indicated that citizens might be able to enjoy a summer holiday.
A similar story is also being told in Germany. The country’s tourism commissioner has said that citizens might be able to take foreign breaks “in the next four to eight weeks” if the outbreak remains under control.
Fundraising fantastic
We continue to be blown away by the creativity and determination of our supporters who are not letting a little thing like lockdown stop them from raising money. From the hundreds of people signing up for our tapathon, including frontline worker and lung cancer researcher, Emma O’Dowd to the thousands swotting up to take on our 90s quiz with Pat Sharp, it is both heartwarming and humbling to see the support we have.
This week, many more will take on their fundraising challenge, including Chris Gatenby and Sue Reeves.
At the start of the year, Chris set himself the challenge of running one half marathon every month, finishing with a full marathon at the end of the year, in memory of his wife, Georgie.

He was three events in when lockdown hit but it’s hasn’t stopped him. In April, he completed the unofficial Harrogate Half Marathon and he’s now arranged a socially isolating run in the closed Mother Shipton’s Cave grounds, a tourist attraction near his hometown of Harrogate.
Meanwhile, Sue Reeves, after already getting sponsored to shave her head, has now launched her own new challenge – The 3 5s Challenge – to combat lockdown boredom, look after her wellbeing and support others with the disease.

She is going to walk 5,000 steps every day for 5 days before challenge 5 friends to do it too.
“I’ve been really bored in lockdown and wanted to do something that would help the foundation to help others the way it helped me. It is good to set targets for your wellbeing but that are also achievable. So, the target is small, but if I get more that will be great.”
Good luck to Chris, Sue and all of our incredible supporters who are doing anything and everything to help those living with lung cancer.