Charity supporters share what they will do this World Cancer Day
Today is World Cancer Day, a day that unites people around the world in raising awareness of cancer. It is a day to reflect on the progress we have made. It is a day to drive further change.
Sadly, lung cancer remains the UK’s biggest cancer killer with far too many people diagnosed too late for curative treatment. Despite this, we are seeing more people live well with lung cancer for longer and live beyond a lung cancer diagnosis, people like Ruthra and Nick.
I AM Ruthra Coventry

Ruthra had been suffering from recurring chest infections and a persistent cough. As a doctor, she knew something wasn’t quite right and so asked to be referred to hospital. A CT scan found a mass on her right lung but, when subsequent tests were inconclusive, doctors decided to remove it. It was only after surgery that they confirmed it was stage 1 lung cancer.
If I hadn’t have gone to the GP when I did, my story would be very different now. If you have even the slightest worry, I can’t stress enough, please get checked out.
Now, a year on from her surgery, life is now slowly returning to normal for Ruthra and her family. She wanted to do something to mark the anniversary and so chopped off 15 inches of her hair, raising over £3,000 for Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. She then donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust who provide real hair wigs for children and young people who have been affected by hair loss.
I AM Nick Whitehead

Nick shared a similar experience, undergoing surgery after he was diagnosed with lung cancer when he coughed up blood. Two years on and Nick is back doing what he loves – scuba diving – as well as organising his second charity auction night.
Anyone who has been following the recent story line in Cold Feet will understand that support does not stop as soon as treatment stops. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation has been there for me, and continues to be there for me, when I need them so supporting them is a no brainer.
WE ARE the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Respiratory Nurses

Lung cancer nurse specialists are simply incredible. Providing calm is an overwhelming storm of diagnosis, treatment and fear, they are a support for everyone affected by lung cancer.
But the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Respiratory Nurses are going above and beyond, taking on the Three Peaks challenge in support of those living with lung cancer.
We are supporting Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation not only for the work it does in raising awareness of lung cancer and support it gives our patients, but also for our ward matron, Vicky Turner. She lost her father to lung cancer a number of years ago and received support from Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. She is passionate about raising awareness of the charity.
WE ARE Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
WE WILL ensure everyone diagnosed with lung cancer can live well with the disease for as long as possible.
Today may be World Cancer Day, but we are dedicated to improving the lives of people with lung cancer every single day.
We fund research. We support. We campaign for life-lengthening treatments. We raise awareness.
We do this every day. We have done this every day for the last 30 years. We will continue to do this every day – thanks to the support of people like Ruthra, Nick and the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Respiratory Nurses.
If you want to help us support people affected by lung cancer every day, you can make a donation or set up a direct debit, and what better day to do it that World Cancer Day.