When a hard breakup left Izzie feeling heartbroken, she found vaping gave her some comfort and something to focus on. Now she’s ready to put down the vape and save up for an incredible trip away with her boyfriend.
“I started vaping approximately 18 months ago. I had split from a long-term (9-year) relationship, and my housemate liked to leave their vapes around the house. One day, when I saw one in the living room, I decided to try it. Although little did I know it would be the start of a hard habit to quit.
“Stressed and broken up over the end of the relationship, we had to cancel our wedding – nightmare! Absurdly, vaping became an odd way to focus on something else. And although I have never been a fan of smoking (because the smell has always made me feel sick), vapes were fun.”

Vaping as a coping mechanism
“After trying it for the first time I continued vaping and started buying my own. It really did help keep the focus off the sad feelings and actually encouraged me to get some ‘fresh air’ because I had to leave my desk to vape.
“That then led to seeing other staff at my place of work and catching up with people, which I didn’t get to do when at my desk all day. Also, vaping became a small social outlet at a time when I felt very isolated and needed distractions the most.
“I had never intended to vape as a habit. Plus, it’s an expense I don’t need, and I can think of better ways of spending £20 a week. I’m heading to Las Vegas for my 40th birthday, and Toronto with my better half in January – so between now and then, if I don’t vape, I could have a nice little bit of spending money saved!

Why Izzie is binning the vape this September
“I’m taking on Stop Smoking for September because, although I want to save money, I also want to see how strong my willpower is which is equally important! Quitting vaping isn’t just about saving for my trips. It’s about proving to myself that I can take control of my habits and make healthier choices for my future.
“Reflecting on these past months, I’ve finally realised that vaping is a crutch that I leaned on during one of the toughest times in my life. But now, I’m ready to stand on my own and look forward to a future filled with exciting experiences and better health.”
Think you could stop smoking or vaping for September? Head over to the Stop Smoking for September challenge page and sign up for free. You’ll receive a stop smoking necklace, a tracker and you’ll have access to our Stop Smoking for September Facebook group, which is filled with other challenge members who can spur you on and keep you accountable. Plus, if you need some additional support, our Quit Support forum is here for you.
We believe you can do it, now believe in yourself.