Lung health check stories
Lung health checks are saving lives. To date, over 1,750 people have been diagnosed through the lung health checks, 76% of which have been caught at stages one and two when lung cancer is easier to treat, and treat with curative intent.
Hear from people who have had their lung health and see how these programmes are saving lives by diagnosing lung cancer at the earliest opportunity – often before symptoms are even there.
Many of the people did not have any symptoms, or feel unwell when they went for their lung health check. Some felt so well that they thought the results were wrong! They are now sharing their experiences to encourage others to go for a lung health check – even if they feel well. Because when it comes to lung cancer, it’s always best to check.

Gordon's lung health check story
Gordon didn’t have any symptoms when he was invited for a lung health check. In fact, he felt the best…
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Fatima's lung health check story
Fatima was a little apprehensive about having a lung health check. Her best friend was currently living with stage 4…
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