There are a whole host of unique ways to raise money for Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. This week, one of our young supporters Max Green will be facing his fears in a zip wire challenge in memory of his grandad, Lewis.
It has been ten years since Lewis Green passed away from lung cancer at the age of 69. Max recalled his happiest memories with his grandad:
“He grew up in Frimley Green with his uncles, travelling with various fairgrounds.
He used to pick me up from school and take me into the shop every night on the way home. He’d tell me I could pick up anything I wanted but always had a maximum of three items per day!
As soon as we got back home, he would always run in first and hide the TV remote because he knew I would just want to watch wrestling all evening. He used to do it just to wind me up, but he did it every day without fail. Our little personal jokes showed how much he cared and how great our relationship was.

He was kind and caring, if a little bit misunderstood!”
“I remember he came over for my birthday to help put up the trampoline that Nan had just got me. We realised he’d become extremely thin, and soon after developed a tooth ache.
Sadly, by the time Lewis was diagnosed it was already too late:
From that point onwards he started to get much worse, but it wasn’t until mid-February 2009 that we realised he was seriously ill.
He was officially diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in late February, and at this point he had been living with cancer for over a year. He had no idea.
We were told that the cancer had spread to his lymph glands and that it was terminal.”
Lewis passed away on May 21st, 2009 aged 69:
“Life was odd when he wasn’t here anymore, he was a big part of the family and he would do anything for anyone.
It was hard no longer having that presence around you. He was a larger than life character, the kind of person you could write a book on.
You go through that stage of thinking he is going to walk through the door any minute, even though you know it isn’t the case. I enjoy the dreams I have of Grandad – it’s another chance I get to see him again.
Over time it has gotten better but there isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think about him or the family.”
Each year, Max takes part in a charity event to raise money for the causes close to his heart. This year he is taking on the fastest zip line in the world to fund lung cancer research:
“I chose to do the Zip Wire this year because I hate heights and wanted to face my fears. My grandad had to face his fear of cancer, so why not face mine? I also like the idea of me gliding through the air with my grandad looking down on me being proud.
Max faced his fears in support of lung cancer patients
This is the fastest zip line in England, and I felt if I was going to face my fear, I might as well do it in the fastest and the biggest way possible.
The event is in Adventure Parc Snowdonia in a place called Zip World.

I am nervous I must admit, but the good thing about doing it for charity is you can’t back out!
Before Christmas, I was over the maximum weight to do this zip wire, so I have worked hard to get this down just so I can do this challenge. I am now very happy to be under the weight to do it!
Lots of sacrifice and time at the gym has gone into this so I can’t wait!”