10th May 2022

New vaccine to attack lung cancer cells trialled in UK

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A new vaccine which has the potential to dramatically change outcomes for people with prostate, ovarian and lung cancers is being trialled in the UK for the first time.

The new vaccine known as OVM-200 contains a synthetic form of a protein called survivin and is designed to stimulate a stronger response from the immune system. The hope is that the jab will help the immune system fight and destroy the cancer cells.

The study will involve up to 35 patients with prostate, ovarian or lung cancer at University College Hospital London and for other centres in the UK. Participants of the trial will receive three doses of the vaccine administered two weeks apart. They will then be monitored for six months for any changes in their cancer, as well as any side effects.

The trial’s chief investigator, Dr Martin Forster, a consultant in medical oncology at the UCL Cancer Institute, is excited by this potential new cancer treatment:

This exciting UK-developed treatment introduces a new vaccine technology into clinical trials and has the potential to dramatically change outcomes for our patients. There is a huge unmet need, and these are exciting times.

Paula Chadwick, chief executive of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, is keen to learn more about the trial:

“We have seen the incredible work surrounding the development of the Covid-vaccine in the last few years, so it is exciting to hear that a vaccine-style approach could now play a part in treating cancers, including lung cancer.

“As we know, cancer is a highly complex and clever disease and we applaud all the hard work that our researchers, researchers throughout the world, and researchers worldwide are doing to make a difference for those with lung cancer, and we look forward to seeing the results of this novel new approach.”