4th October 2016

CDF announcement re Osimertinib is ‘good news for patients’

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Paula Chadwick, Chief Executive of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, welcomed the decision as a ‘breakthrough’ for some patients with a particular type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

She said: “We are pleased with this outcome. Osimertinib represents a new option for hundreds of patients who have this specific form of lung cancer.

“This new type of targeted therapy is an exciting development in the treatment of lung cancer. For many of our patients and their families this is a breakthrough moment – a recognition that these new medicines can truly benefit people with an advanced form of the disease.

“We welcome the announcement – it is good news for patients with the appropriate type of lung cancer. We hope this paves the way for further positive decisions for lung cancer patients across the UK.”

Martin Grange, Trustee of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and lung cancer patient also welcomed the news.

He said: “Lung cancer takes up only 6% of research funding that is spent on the ‘big four’ cancers. That is despite lung cancer being the UK’s biggest cancer killer.  Alongside side many of our supporters we have campaigned tirelessly to address this.

“Today’s announcement and the fact that Osmertinib is the first medicine to gain access to the newly – reformed Cancer Drugs Fund is a major achievement. We congratulate all those involved and hope it will be the first of many decisions that help to fight this dreadful disease”.