I should be in a foreign land
Sifting my fingers through the sand.
I should be afoot in Kathmandu
Not looking for paper for the loo.
I should be gazing at Everest
Not sorting out my next new vest.
I should be flying way up high
Not looking at the dismal sky.
I should be going to Lhasa town
Instead all travel routes are down.

I should be starring on Channel 4
But Corona came and shut the door.
Facebook is my constant friend,
Texts on WhatsApp I must send.
Although Corona is a pain
Our loss is a clean world’s gain.
The air is pure, emissions low
Stars have an added glow.
Enjoy the change and write that book
Maybe learn how to sew and cook.
All things will pass, life will return
Just as the world, will always turn.
Eileen is living with stage 3 lung cancer and has just finished a two-year course of immunotherapy. Since her diagnosis, Eileen has travelled to Mustang, a remote area of Nepal, Ladakh and Sri Lanka. She most recently took part in our Follow My Lead campaign for Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2019.