21st July 2022

Two wives. One goal. Lung cancer screening

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Back in February 2022, Cathy Brokenshire sat on the BBC Breakfast sofa and called for lung cancer screening. She had taken up the mantle of her late husband, The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, who had passed away from the disease in October the previous year.

James was a huge advocate for screening. He recognised it was how we could achieve a step change in long term survival for lung cancer. In the first ever debate on lung cancer screening, he said now was the time to be bold, so more could live through lung cancer than die of it. After James’s death, his wife Cathy took her own bold steps and joined us in our campaign for lung cancer screening. She wanted to prevent others from undergoing to heartbreaking loss her family was enduring.

Sitting at home was Fiona Castle listening intently and recognising the painful determination Cathy was so clearly displaying. It was reminiscent of her own story, of her own husband Roy and their dedication for change. Cathy’s passion relit Fiona’s and she knew she had to rejoin the cause that still bears her husband’s name now.

This brings us to today where the pair met to share their personal yet similar experiences of how lung cancer took their partners and their best friends, and once again shine a much needed spotlight on lung cancer and the #needtoscreen.