20th May 2016

Lung cancer charity welcomes introduction of standardised packaging

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Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation welcomes this change to the law.

Director of Education and Prevention, Emma Wrafter, said: “Last year, lung cancer – the UK’s biggest cancer killer – claimed the lives of over 35,000 people*.

“We know that smoking is NOT the only factor that causes lung cancer; none the less, it remains the main cause of the disease in more than 85% of cases. Never forget just how addictive nicotine can be – especially in cigarettes.

“The compulsory introduction of standardised packaging is a positive step towards reducing the impact of tobacco products on the health of people in the UK.

“It is long overdue – and for many patients, our supporters and their families, it is already too late. That is why we must protect the younger generation from smoking.

“While we see this measure as an example of good policy in action, we do have some concerns. We would not want to see this measure leading to any reductions in smoking prevention, cessation or education programmes across the UK. Any such cuts would inevitably have a harmful impact in the future.

“Research suggests that children and teenagers may be especially sensitive to nicotine, making it easier for them to become addicted”.

Last year, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation’s Youth Prevention Project, Cut Films, worked with more than 4,000 young people, helping to educate them about the dangers of tobacco products via the medium of film production.

*Source: Cancer Research UK