London to Paris Cycle

London to Paris Cycle

Registration fee: £125 Minimum sponsorship: £0 - £1,790 
19th July 2023 Europe

The London to Paris Bike Ride is an awesome cycling challenge and is one of the best fundraising events in Europe featuring a four day cycling adventure covering 309 miles.

From capital to capital you’ll pedal your way from London embracing the glorious countryside from Kent to Dover, before crossing the Channel to Calais. Keep to the right in France as you weave through the country lanes, traditional market towns with a view of the rolling green hills.

A spectacular finish awaits you as you reach the home stretch around the Arc de Triomphe and along the Champs Elysées, before reaching the piece de resistance, the Eiffel Tower, which marks your finish line. The days in the saddle may be long but the sense of achievement you’ll feel crossing the finish line and the euphoric atmosphere as we celebrate your achievements in this magnificent capital, the saddle soreness soon wears off!

Why not add some Tour de France excitement into the mix!

On the Tour de France finale challenge you’ll arrive in Paris in time to witness the finale of the world’s greatest cycle race. As you enter Paris in one large peloton, the crowds will be cheering thinking the Tour has reached the city one day early.

Challenge Itinerary

  • Challenge Duration: 5 days
  • Activity Duration: 4 days
  • Challenge Distance: 311 miles (approx.)
  • Challenge Grading: Challenging
  • Accommodation Type: Hotels

Registration and fundraising options

Payment options

Registration Fee £125 + Min Sponsorship £1,790 

Registration Fee £125 + Self Funding £895 

Event dates

There are a number of dates available for the London to Paris Cycle, with the option to fundraise or self fund your adventure. Click the tabs above for a price breakdown.

  • 19th – 23rd July 2023 Tour de France Edition! (Register for £99 with code TDF99)
  • 13th – 17th September 2023

Our fundraising team will be here to support you through your whole fundraising journey.  For more information, please fill in our enquiry form below or email the team at sport@roycastle.org. 

Why support Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation?

  • We are the leading lung cancer charity in the UK dedicated to helping everyone affected by lung cancer.
  • Lung cancer is a disease that, despite what many may think, can affect anyone.
  • It is the UK’s biggest cancer killer, with over 36,000 dying from lung cancer every year. It kills more people than breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer combined, and more women than breast and ovarian cancer combined.
  • It is our mission to ensure everyone diagnosed with lung cancer can live well with the disease for as long as possible.