Community Engagement
Please note, we are not currently taking any more bookings for community engagement at this moment of time due to a full events calendar.
Lung cancer is a disease that no one wants to talk about. There are many reasons for this – from nihilistic perceptions to stigma and disease misconception. However, at Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, we are trying to change this.

We run community engagement events to spark positive and reassuring conversations around lung cancer within communities by confronting the stigma of the disease, changing attitudes and perceptions and improve awareness and understanding. We also use these events to raise awareness of targeted lung health checks and lung cancer screening, identifying eligible participants and addresses any concerns they may have about attending an appointment.
The aim of community engagement
Sometimes, there is nothing more powerful than having a face to face conversation, especially about something and sensitive and confusing as lung cancer. At our events, our community engagement officers aim to:
- Improve awareness of all potential symptoms
- Challenge disease misconceptions
- Highlight potential risk factors
- Encourage primary care presentation
- Empower self-advocacy
- Direct those who are affected by lung cancer to the support that is available
- Drive uptake of the lung health checks / lung cancer screening.
What’s included?

Our team has worked across the country, delivering events in supermarkets, shopping centres, gyms and hospitals.
Working with local NHS teams, councils and community groups, we can deliver a bespoke event based on the needs of the community. We have a number of tools and resources which can be utilised, where appropriate, at events:
- Inflatable lungs
- Exhibition stands and podium
- Pull up banners
- Charity-based literature.
Book an event
Please note, we are not currently taking any more bookings for community engagement at this moment of time due to a full events calendar.