Improving palliative care
Can you help the future of palliative care?
As part of our work with the Less Survivable Cancer Task Force, we’re asking all those affected by lung cancer to help shape palliative care by simply sharing your experiences.
Your individual experience of care will help charities across the UK to better understand whether people have the support they need from such services, that they are easily accessible and the overall impact on a person’s day-to-day life.
The Less Survivable Cancer Task Force has created a short survey that will take no more than 15 minutes to fill out, with no personal information required. Your input could greatly help improve services for future generations to come.

Palliative care is often a service many link to end of life but we know that isn’t true. Like hospice support, palliative care offers a wide range of practical, physical and emotional support services that can assist people from diagnosis through all stages of cancer. This type of care can be offered alongside anti-cancer treatment that aims at slowing, shrinking or removing cancer growth.
Some research has suggested that palliative care can improve life expectancy amongst people with advanced lung cancer when received after a month and before a year post diagnosis. It can be used to improve pain management, reduce side effects and offer ways to manage and maintain well being in day to day living.
You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.
Dame Cicely Saunders, nurse, physician and writer, and founder of the modern-day hospice movement (1918 – 2005)
Read more about it and the work of the Less Survivable Cancer Coalition here.