Quit Support Forum
It’s always comforting, when going through a life event, to know that you are not alone and there are others going through similar journeys. That’s why our online community and stop smoking forum, Quit Support, is so popular.

Quit Support has over 15,000 members, some who have just started to quit smoking and those who have stopped for months. The forum is full of people sharing their thoughts and experiences, being open about if they started smoking again, what works for them to quit smoking and simply supporting each other one day at a time.
“Just knowing I wasn’t alone and there were people who really understood what I was going through helped. It seemed to give me a shield against nicotine! “
Peter, Quit Support member
We also have a team of trained stop smoking advisors (many of who quit with us before joining our staff) who use tailored support packages to make the quitting process as convenient and bespoke as possible.
If you’re looking to give up smoking and want advice or support from people going through journeys similar to yourself, you can visit Quit Support forum here.