Nottingham Lung Health Check
In 2017 and 2018, we funded a Lung Health MOT check in Nottingham to identify potential lung cancer patients before any symptoms appear.

The results of this project, along with other similar programmes around the country, played a pivotal role in the multi-million pound investment from NHS England to implement lung health checks across the country.

The launch of the project
Our Lung Health Check launched in Bulwell, Nottingham in January 2017. Patients in five Bulwell practices aged between 60 and 75 with a history of smoking were invited to attend a lung health check appointment by their GP.
During the health check, patients were assessed. Any high risk patients were offered a low dose CT (LDCT) scan. The scan then identified if the patient has any nodules on their lungs.
Saving lives
Bill is one of the people who was diagnosed with early stage lung cancer through our lung health check.
Help us continue to save lives
With your help, we can continue to fund life-saving research, as well as vital help and support for everyone affected by lung cancer.
make a donation
Continuing to save lives
In addition to the five lung cancers found, 8% of patients who had a CT scan were found to have small nodules on their lungs. At the time, they were not currently malignant.
These patients then underwent interval CT scanning to monitor any growth or changes.
One of those people was Linda. Her scan revealed two small nodules inside her right lung. They weren’t believed to be cancerous and so her specialists recommended monitoring them for any signs of growth.
Nine months after the original health check, Linda’s latest scan showed the nodules had grown and become malignant. She still had no symptoms.
Without our health check, it is highly likely Linda would have stayed ‘under the radar’ and remained undiagnosed even as the nodule grew. Instead, she was diagnosed at the earliest stage and was able to have curative surgery.

I know how devastating lung cancer can be; my husband, David, died within six months of being diagnosed. But, because of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and its supporters, my story is very different.
Linda, diagnosed with early stage lung cancer in 2018
Improving lives
The programme also found:
- 16 cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- 1 case of tuberculosis
- 1 case of interstitial lung disease
- 2 cases of coronary heart calcification
- 2 cases of minor bronchiectasis
- 1 case of minor emphysema
- 1 case of asbestos-related pleural thickening.
These people are now receiving appropriate care to treat these conditions and improve their quality of life.
Phase 2
Given the success of the programme, we funded a second stage in 2018, where we rolled out our lung health check to a population of 36,000 people.
Scans took place in December 2018 and we are currently awaiting the results of the project.