
Organising an event

Organising an event is a great way to raise money as well as uniting your community and increasing awareness about lung cancer.

There are many different events you can organise. From charity balls to music gigs, these events will bring everyone together in support of one cause.

Top tips for organising an event


When you’re planning your event, check with your local authority whether you need any special licences. For example, if you’re planning on collecting money in your own house or in the street you will need a special licence.

If your venue is unlicensed and you want to serve alcohol, contact your local council about getting a temporary licence.

Food and Drink

If you’re having food at your event, make sure you check the current food hygiene rules. Visit www.food.gov.uk or alternatively contact your local council.

Remember to check if your venue is licensed to serve alcohol. If it isn’t contact your local council to apply for a temporary licence.

Raffles and Auctions

Raffles and auctions are a great way to raise extra money at your event. Contact local businesses and see if they will donate a prize or experience. Let them know it’s for charity!

You should also contact your local authority or the Gaming Board of Great Britain to check the latest rules about raffles.

First Aid

It’s important your event is safe so if you’re planning a large scale event, make sure you’ve got adequate first aid cover. Recommend providers include:

  • St Johns Ambulance
  • British Red Cross
  • National Association of Private Ambulance Services


It’s vital you take out adequate insurance should you event require it. Unfortunately, charities cannot accept any liability for any events.

Spread the word

Make sure as many people as possible know about your event. There are many different ways you can promote it:

  • Posters and leaflets: Think about who would be interested in your event and find suitable places to put up posters and leave flyers. Just make sure you get permission first.
  • Social media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X are great ways to promote your event. You can create an event page on Facebook and then provide regular updates and photos, as well as information about the charity and our work, to get people excited to attend.
  • Press release: Simply write about your event and why you are hosting it and send it to your local newspaper and radio stations. You may also want to sent it to community websites and local relevant Facebook groups.
  • Word of mouth: In this digital age, it’s easy to forget about good old word of mouth but it’s so important! Make sure your family and friends know all the details of the event and encourage them to share the details within their social circles.

Maximise your fundraising

There are ways you can increase the amount you raise:

  • Match funding: Many business will match what you raise for the charity. Speak to your HR department to see if they offer match funding.
  • Gift aid: If you’re asking for sponsorship, make sure you ask people to tick the gift aid box on your sponsorship form (providing they are a UK tax payer). We can then claim 25% tax back from the Government.
  • Local support: Ask businesses in your local area to sponsor your event or donate raffle prizes. Remember, you don’t ask, you don’t get! We have been blown away with some of the prizes our supporters have had donated!

We’re here to help

Our fundraising team is here if you need any additional help or advice.

We have lots of items which can help, including t-shirts, banners, balloons, collection cans, posters and sponsorship forms. We can also provide you with information about the charity and who your event is helping, as well as vital information about lung cancer and its signs and symptoms.

If you have any questions, contact community@roycastle.org.