
Clinical Expert Group

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is pleased to act as Secretariat for the CEG for Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma.

This Group was initially established by NHS England in 2014 and since 2020 has been an independent group providing expert advice on clinical issues in lung cancer, in particular in areas of policy.

The following documents are available to download

National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway (NOLCP) Version 4 – Jan 2024
For suspected and confirmed lung cancer: Referral to treatment

National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway (NOLCP) Version 4 Summary – Jan 2024

National Optimum Genomic and Molecular Pathway Version 1 – Jan 2024

Cancer Plan 2022-2032, call for evidence submission

Differentiation of the C’s in lung cancer – Cancer vs. COVID

Differentiation of the C’s in lung cancer – Cancer vs. COVID Infographic

COVID-19 Lung Cancer Pathway endorsement statement

COVID-19 Lung Cancer Pathway Guidance

COVID-19 Lung Cancer Pathway Recovery Phase Guidance

Bronchoscopy services during the COVID pandemic

National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway

Standards of Care for Lung Cancer

Clinical advice for the provision of lung cancer services

Lung Cancer Implementation Guide

Lung Nodules and Cancer Waiting Times Monitoring

EBUS Service Specification

EBUS Service Specification – Appendices

CEG members:

Prof David Baldwin – Respiratory Physician, East Midlands / Lung Cancer CEG Chair
Prof Sam Janes – Chest Physician and Scientist, Early Detection, London / Lung Cancer CEG Vice Chair
Dr David Gilligan – Clinical Oncologist, East of England
Dr Anand Devaraj – Thoracic Radiologist, London
Mrs Sue Maughn – Commissioning Director-Cancer, East London Health and Care Partnership (NELSTP)
Dr Amelia Randle – GP Somerset / Clinical Lead SWAG Cancer Alliance
Prof Denis Talbot – Professor of Cancer Medicine, University of Oxford, Thames Valley Cancer Network
Prof Sanjay Popat – Consultant Medical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital
Dr Yvonne Summers – Medical Oncologist, The Christie and UHSM Manchester
Mr Martin Grange – Patient Representative, Hampshire
Mrs Janette Rawlinson – Patient Representative, West Midlands / European Lung Foundation Lung cancer patient advisory group / NCRI Clinical Studies Group (lung cancer) consumer member / BTOG steering committee member, CRUK SMP board member (patient representative) / Lay member Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG
Dr Robert Rintoul – Reader in Thoracic Oncology, University of Cambridge / Honorary Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
Dr Sion Barnard – Thoracic Surgeon / Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons
Prof Liz Toy – Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Royal Devon & Exeter
Dr Matthew Evison – Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Manchester / Director of the Lung Pathway Board for Greater Manchester Cancer
Dr Ian Woolhouse – Respiratory Physician, Chair of West Midlands Lung Expert Advisory Group
Prof Andrew Nicholson – Professor of Respiratory Pathology, Royal Brompton & Harefield
Professor Matthew Hatton – Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Weston Park Hospital,
Kathryn Manning – Lead Respiratory Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist, Nottingham University Hospitals
Jackie Fenemore – Nurse Clinician – Lung Cancer, The Christie / Lung Cancer Nurses UK Chair
Dr Liz Fuller – Respiratory Consultant, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Sam Hare – Royal Free London NHS Trust & National Specialty Adviser for Imaging NHSE&I, representing British Society of Thoracic Imaging
Dr Melanie Mackean – Consultant Medical Oncology, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Chair South East Scotland Cancer Network (SCAN) lung cancer group
Liz Darlison – CEO, Clinical Nurse, Div 1 Cancer Clinical Lead, Mesothelioma UK
Debra Montague – Founder and Chair, ALK Positive UK
Dr Neal Navani MA MSc PhD FRCP – Consultant Respiratory Physician, University College London Hospital, Honorary Associate Professor, University College London, Senior Clinical Lead, National Lung Cancer Audit, Royal College of Physicians
Dr Emma O’Dowd – Consultant Respiratory Physician, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Mr Aman S Coonar BSc.(Hons) MBBS MD MRCP(UK) FRCS(Eng.&CTh.) – Consultant Surgeon,
SCTS Trustee & co-Chair Thoracic Surgery Committee
Dr Jonathan McAleese – Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Belfast City Hospital
Dr Sinan Eccles – Consultant Respiratory Physician, Royal Glamorgan Hospital / Lung Health Check Wales Clinical Lead, Wales Cancer Network
Dr Jesme Fox – Medical Director, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Angela Terry – Chair, EGFR+
Brian Knowles – Programme Manager, CRUK
Lynsey Ambler – Strategic Evidence Manager, CRUK
Dr Aurelia McCann – Consultant Physician Respiratory and G(I) Medicine, DipallMed, Medical Director, Bolton Hospice

The NOLCP was developed with the assistance of further expert clinicians:

Dr Sadia Anwar – Consultant Respiratory Physician, Nottingham
Dr Matthew Callister – Consultant Respiratory Physician, Leeds
Dr Paul Beckett – Consultant Respiratory Physician, Derby
Prof Mick Peake – Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine / National Clinical Lead, NHS Cancer Improvement/ Clinical Lead, National Cancer Intelligence Network

Former CEG members:

Mrs Diana Borthwick – Clinical Nurse Specialist in Lung Cancer / former Chair of National Lung Cancer Forum for Nurses
Dr Julie Hendry – Respiratory Physician, Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Network
Dr Andrew Bates – Clinical Oncologist, Southampton
Dr Imran Husain – Consultant Respiratory Physician, West Midlands
Mrs Michele McMahon – Patient Representative, Liverpool
Dr Jeremy Killen – Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, North of England
Dr Neil Bayman – Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Greater Manchester
Mrs Barbara Gill – Programme Lead ACE, NHSE / CRUK
Dr Vytis Dudzevicius – Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, London / Lung MDT Lead and Lung Cancer Lead Clinician
Mrs Vanessa Beattie – Clinical Nurse Specialist in Lung Cancer / National Lung Cancer Forum for Nurses Chair
Dr Andrew Wilcock – Clinical Reader in Palliative Medicine and Medical Oncology, Nottingham
Mr Doug West – Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Bristol
Dr Paul Cane – Consultant Histopathologist, London
Dr Jodie Moffat – Head of Early Diagnosis Policy and Information, CRUK <strong>Jenny Abbott</strong> – Chair, EGFR Positive UK

The National Cancer Clinical Steering Group have now formally approved the new clinical pathway advice produced by the Lung Cancer CEG.

The purpose of these documents is to inform and support decision making by cancer alliances in relation to services and clinical pathways for lung cancer. The recommendations address the whole cancer pathway from prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and care to living with and beyond cancer.