Face your Fear roadshow
Throughout November 2018, the Face Your Fear campaign will be touring the UK, engaging communities to change the misconceptions around lung cancer and improve awareness and attitudes.

Roadshow dates
We will be visiting the following locations throughout November:
- Lewisham Shopping Centre, London | 31 Oct – 4 Nov
- Stretford Mall, Greater Manchester | 1 – 3 Nov
- Cornmill Centre, Darlington | 5 – 8 Nov
- Northfield, Birmingham | 6 – 11 Nov
- Beacon, North Shields | 9 – 11 Nov
- Kirkgate, Bradford | 12 – 18 Nov
- St Elli, Llanelli | 13 – 18 Nov
- Cascades, Portsmouth | 19 – 25 Nov
- Burns Mall, Kilmarnock | 19 – 25 Nov
- Union Square, Aberdeen | 26 Nov – 2 Dec.
What’s happening?
We’ll be setting up stall in various shopping centres across the UK. We’ll have our virtual reality booth which members of the community will be invited to experience for free.
The VR film really made me think. I’m going to demand my friend, who has a persistent cough like the man in the film, go to the doctor.
Bradford roadshow attendee
Following their experience, our on-site team will chat to visitors to get their reaction to the film and provide further information on the signs and symptoms. They will emphasise why it’s important to go to the doctor if they have any concerns – even if they are frightened to hear what they might say.