Raising awareness
When it comes to lung cancer, there are a lot of misconceptions. Therefore, raising awareness and improving understanding is a key part of our work on the island.

Many people think lung cancer can only affect people who smoke, or have smoked. Whilst smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer, it is by no means alone. Air pollution and diesel fumes, genetics and occupational exposure can all cause lung cancer too. This ultimately means one thing – lung cancer can affect anyone.
Last year, you may have seen the Tower of Refuge, Ramsey Swingbridge and the power station illuminated in our Roy Castle blue. This was part of our campaign for lung cancer awareness month, or LCAM as it’s commonly known.
LCAM takes place every November and each year we run an awareness campaign to help people understand more about the disease and who it can affect as well as the signs and symptoms of the disease.
As a charity, we produce various information leaflets, posters and booklets to help increase knowledge and awareness around lung cancer. For LCAM 2018, we provided lung cancer nurse specialist, Gilly Culshaw with an extensive range of collateral so she could have her own LCAM stall at Nobles.
Lung cancer packs were also provided to every GP surgery on the island, encouraging anyone with potential symptoms to Face your Fear and go to your doctor.
Over the coming months and years, you are going to see more and more of our Roy Castle blue on the island as we continue to raise vital awareness and funds and provide new services to help and support Manx residents affected by lung cancer.