LCAM digital toolkit
Help us raise awareness of lung cancer and the Spot the Difference campaign by sharing some of our campaign videos, banners and posters.
Launch video
Our Spot the Difference launch video features all our patients, their symptoms, potential causes / risk factors and the benefits of early detection.
Patient stories
We have a wide range of patient stories, many of whom had very different symptoms. The majority of patients featured in the campaign were diagnosed early, whilst others are living with late stage lung cancer.
Jackie Hugill

Paul Nicholson

Tracy Bourne

Richard Tunningley

Lucy Woollard

Nick Windsor

Becca Smith

Karen Boniface

Video available 22 Nov
Ruthra Coventry

Andrew Libby

Bill Culbard

Michelle Gilliver

Pat Tollady

Brian Gemmell

Joe Crofts

Joanna Jonathon

Nick Whitehead

Symptoms videos
We have created nine short videos each focusing on an individual symptom of lung cancer.
Persistent cough
Weight Loss
Back pain
Coughing up blood
Shoulder pain
Social media campaign
Throughout November, we will be sharing photos of people with lung cancer both pre and post diagnosis on our social channels, similar to the the social media trend – How it started vs How its going. The aim of this activity is demonstrate the subtly of symptoms and that you can live well with lung cancer.
We encourage you to follow us on social and share these posts as much as possible, as well as your own, using the hashtags: #SpotTheDifference #lcsm

Treatment videos
We speak to oncologist, Dr David Gilligan, about the different treatments that are now available to people with lung cancer and the improvements that have been made over his 25-year career.
Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy videos available 23 Nov
Lung cancer in minority communities
We will start to examine the diagnostic differences of lung cancer and cultural barriers within minority communities.
Dipti lost her father Keshu. I her story, she opens up about cultural beliefs and attitudes around cancer within BAME communities and the role she believes the younger generations can have in ensuring they have a different experience to hers.

Banners, posters and flyers
We have a selection of online banners, posters and flyers for you to download and share to raise awareness of lung cancer and the Spot the Difference campaign.